Well using the pipe cleaners and the two electrodes did not work as the pipe cleaners had metal in them that shorted the two electrodes out. So I thought I could use hot glue to separate them from the metal, so I wrapped the aluminum around the pipe cleaner and put put hot glue on pipe cleaner to protect it from the copper so the metals won't touch. One thing I forgot was that hot glue is activated by things that are hot and the glue went soft and dropped the copper. Now i'm back at using string again and hoping that it will work this time. I think the crystals grow better in a glass jar, it could be that the glass is a crystal too or something?
The string idea works just fine and I was able to grow a control cell which was a borax crystal with aluminum and copper electrodes. This control was to prove a point that this could be done, grow a crystal around two electrodes. This control cell did not last long voltage wise and now is under 200mV anything at that voltage is not worth it. But the key to a good crystal or any crystal is a polycrystalline structure, which means crystal inside of crystals.
I was able to make a polycrystalline literal crystal battery with borax and doped with salt substitute and Epsom salt. The doping of other crystals is what makes a polycrystalline crystal cell. This cell is amazing, unlike the control cell this cell is still holding its original voltage. This cell is much more clear than the control but you would expect the opposite due to doping don’t you think? But the biggest thing to note about this cell is its voltage. The voltage bounces around, like it could be at 520mV then it could be at 528mV and then go to 525mV. Even with a resistor load the voltage jumps around but the key thing is that the voltage never goes down. You see a galvanic cell would hold steady voltage and have linear decline of voltage but this crystal cell bounces around in voltage but in general doesn't go down. I make this cell using 4 cups of hot water 12 tablespoons of borax (20 mule team brand) put in a GLASS MASON JAR and dope it all with salt substitute and Epsom salt. Wrap the electrodes with string and let them sit in jar over night or even longer but don’t mess with it for a long time.
A galvanic cell works due to ion to ion transfer. The ions carry the electron from one electrode to the other. the water holds the ions, pure water doesn't conduct electricity unless it has ions (minerals) in it. When you freeze water with the electrodes in it you slow down the ion flow, that's why it produces little voltage when water is in its crystal (frozen) form. When you heat up the water the ions have more energy and room to move. The more you heat it the more the ions can move thus more voltage.
If you slow down that movement it becomes a solid. As a solid it can't transfer ions as easy. So we can state that when water or a crystal is a solid it CAN'T transfer electrons as easy. In order to transmit electrons you need a path inside of the solid.
This is where the polycrystalline idea comes in to play, these make the pathways for the electrons. The polycrystalline allows crystals inside of crystals so a matrix of crystals are touching or almost touching. The crystal that are not touching is the reason why a crystal cell's voltages are always lower than a galvanic cells using the same electrodes. The almost touching cells act like spark gaps or resistors that lowers the voltage to below what it would be in the equivalent galvanic cell. The almost touching crystals could also stimulate the Casimir effect due to their close spacing, but I can't be 100% on that.
Now the question is if this electron flow in a crystal cell the same as the in a galvanic cell? Will the crystal cell break down just like a galvanic cell does? So far my crystal cells are still going even with a dead short and show no corrosion, so does mean we have a electron flow in a crystal that is non destructive? A dipole that won't get destroyed? Only time will answer that question.
So even if these cell ended up being glavanic we can’t also assume that there voltage is all coming from the galvanic’s. When using the same metals such as aluminum you still get some voltage. But others will say the reason for the voltage is due to one plate being bigger but this is not the case. Its were the plate is in the “water” or something that makes the difference and the metal itself. Using a whole bath tub with a 4 foot roll of aluminum still gave low or normal voltage, no increase.
Back when I use to play with water batteries I learn how to make a SAME METAL water using only aluminum and DISTILLED WATER. From all the literature I found I learn you can’t have any voltage from using the exact same metals in water due to no attraction as both metals have the exact same electrons so thus no electrons will flow. There was to a way to use the same metals but you need them to be in different electrolytes as the electrolytes gave was gave the push for electrons to flow. But What I as working with was the same metals in the same electrolytes which was distilled water so thus I should not get any voltage. Well I did get voltage and the ones that I perfected I was able to get 600mV from the same metals in the same distilled water electrolyte. Many people proposed the reason for the voltage was due to the different size plates and at first I believed them until I did some research. If one plate being bigger than the other was true than having a 4 foot long aluminum sheet with a 1 inch long aluminum sheet (same metal) in water would have given a lot of power but instead gave me a lower power than the smaller ones. So plate size difference was not the reason for the voltage.
What I did find was it was not the plates but the electrolyte (water) that was the key to getting more voltage. I also found that different shapes gave good results too and matching the plates with other plates helped out to. I also learned that water was a crystal of sorts. A cup of water would grow a layer of crystals on the top where it was exposed to air. So sticking one aluminum wire into it the water and having the other barely touching the water gave the best voltages.
I also found that this worked well as a capacitor, resistor, transistor, and many other parts. I deemed the golden component.
What is water? Every living thing needs water. Water forms crystal shapes in its molecule form and those crystal start showing when you freeze it. Water doesn't follow all the other physical laws. 70% of our body is water. Any animal will always choose water from a spring due to its minerals. Without good water the red blood cells loose their electrical charge. Water produces hexagonal crystals, this crystal could be the reason why most crystals have water in them. Water is a universal solvent, it made the grand canyon and carves rocks in mountains. 70% of the earth is covered with water. Water is diamagnetic. Pure water is at a PH of 7, which is not acidic or a base.
One of the original glue crystal cells (salt substitute, Elmer's glue, Epsom salt, copper and magnesium electrodes) has been shorted out since 8-12-11 and today is 9-18-11. If this was a normal galvanic cell it would dead now. I removed the short form the cell and right away I was at 700mV and going up. The original voltage on the cell was 1.4 volts and the cell wants to climb back up to that voltage. Any other battery would be dead now but not the glue cell. The glue does look like it has shrunk and is much harder now than ever before. Also no corrosion is showing, this cell is left in the open hanging on a wall. If a dead short for over month is not impressive than I’ll go for a year and see what happens. I do think its time to go bigger.
--- Maybe our understanding of the galvanic process is all wrong. It could very well be that the galvanic process is not the reason why metals corrode. Water is understood to be the universal solvent, it so strong it created the grand canyon. It might be that the water is what corrodes the metals and not the galvanic process. The galvanic’s are creating the dipole of unlimited energy so long as the metals are not exposed to water which corrodes it. This could be the reason why the crystal cell don’t show corrosion when dried and shorted out. Galvanic’s may not cause corrosion but it can assist in it when placed in a wet environment. Pure water won’t conduct electricity but to obtain pure water is complex and you’ll never get all the ions out from it. So pure water won’t corrode metals either but pure water doesn't exist in everyday life so water contains ions and its these ions (minerals, etc.) that corrode the metal or other objects by dissolving them away. When Electricity is applied as from the Galvanic process the Ions get extra energy and that energy is what adds to the corrosion of metals. So we could say that Galvanic is misunderstood and its the water with the ions that really kills the cells.
By what claim do I say this? How I see the galvanic process is simple, Two dissimilar metals in a electrolyte. From my testing when the electrolyte is wet (contains water with ions) it will “dissolve” the metals. When the electrolyte is dry (crystal) the metals don’t dissolve or corrode away due to the fact water is not touching it. For centuries we only explored the wet electrolyte, even what industries calls “dry” cells still contains moisture and so we always contributed galvanics to be the reason why batteries die because the galvanics was corroding it away. Its been the water that has been doing all the corroding.
I figured I could make a simple rock battery. Just take some water and mix some salt substitute and Epsom salt (they mix to make the magic crystal) and dip some gravel rocks into the mix and allow the rocks to dry. Once dried you can poke it with aluminum and copper electrodes and get a votlage from it. This same idea of placing things in the solutions will work for other things too, like paper and maybe a quarter. For some odd reason when salt substitute and Epsom salt is mixed in water or combined they make a new crystal that allows electrons to flow when dry.
Just about any porous material such as paper, rocks, and so on I can make into a battery. Just by making a mix of salt substitute and Epsom salt in distilled water. I take this mix and place a rock or paper into the mix and take it out and let it dry. The object can now allow electrons to flow when two dissimilar metals are place on it. So I can make a rock battery, a paper battery that doesn't need water to run. I bet I could place layer of this on to glass? Or I could cut the middle man out and mix the two salts in water and then evaporate the water which will leave the new combined salt that I can up in a cup and stick the electrodes in that.
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